Thursday, June 24, 2010


Massan for Leader Bikes from Brandon Finks Video/Animation on Vimeo.

Massan is a legend amongst men when it comes to slamming hills and riding hard. Check out his new vid for Leader Bikes... YEAOW!!

New Parkway Drive Album out tomorrow

If you don't know Parkway Drive you have been either a) Living under a rock for the last few years or b) You kinda just suck... ANYWAY new album out tomorrow!!!!!!!! I cannot express how excited i am for this.

Only thing better than this is the fact that on Sep 29 I'll be seeing them live at Festival Hall....

New Beginnings

A new life...Through frustration and boredom i have given up my Facebook page (partially anyway - still good for photos and events). I'll do my best to make this something half decent to entertain the masses and allow procrastination from the bigger issues in my life. Ya'll come back now!!!!

Peace. A